Speaking & Keynotes

With over 13 years of experience, he is a sought after speaker whose highly engaging, fun, yet thought-provoking messages inspire guests for action and change. Dr. Woodly consults with schools and districts, motivating educators and delivering instructional feedback to teachers to improve their practice. He specializes in speaking and training in urban and culturally diverse schools, collaborating with educators at all levels.

Staff Development

Dr. Shaun Woodly offers services and programs designed to break down the barriers that can limit educator success, allowing them to reach, motivate, and engage all of their students. All meaning ALL. These programs facilitate a path for educators to genuinely connect with their students, increasing student achievement and truly transforming the learning environment.

For success, it is critical that teachers acquire and master new skills that match their students’ way of understanding and interacting with the world around them. For this reason, we offer several options to fit your school’s specific needs and help you promote teacher and student success!

Research shows that we have reached the point where we can predict the academic success of a student based solely on that child’s status as a minority and/or being classified as socioeconomically disadvantaged. As they struggle to help their minority and low SES students reach their full potential, many teachers suffer from high levels of stress and low levels of motivation, never finding the solution to truly help their students, inadvertently perpetuating the achievement gap.

However, there is good news! There are many teachers who find success and thrive in these exact circumstances – a solution does exist! Shaun Woodly, Ph.D. offers services and programs designed to break down the barriers that limit our dedicated educators, allowing them to reach, motivate, and engage all of their students, regardless of the challenges or circumstances.


Walk away with proven strategies to implement in your classroom and school right away. Begin the transformation to your optimal learning environment now!


The best research-based and time-tested strategies that top educators use to get dynamic results from their students each and every day!


Tackling challenges specific to teaching today’s students in urban and culturally diverse schools. Gain access to the skills necessary to not just survive but thrive!


Dynamic, hands-on, and fun professional learning that translates into measurable improvements for culturally diverse and traditionally underserved students. ​

Programs Offered

Culturally responsive teaching for high student engagement

This critical program starts with high levels of classroom engagement. What we’ve come to understand is that many do not consider the tremendous impact culture has on how we learn. Students from urban and culturally diverse settings care very much about learning and school—when it makes sense to them.  We focus on designing lesson plans and learning experiences that are highly engaging and student-relevant.


Culturally responsive classroom management

This program helps participants, as culturally responsive practitioners, recognize and eliminate limiting practices in urban classrooms. Participants are taught strategies for immediate use, which facilitates a shift in classroom management so that the goal is not to achieve assertive control but to provide all students with equitable opportunities for learning. This results in a balanced disciplinary approach and creates an environment that is inviting, fosters growth and puts relationships as a priority for student achievement - moreover, it is fun!   


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